What you will learn with this eBook

  • React Paradigms

    Get up to speed in React and component-based programming. At the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of programming the React way.

  • Cross-platform Development

    Learn how to use a single code repository to build both Android and iOS applications and keep your code maintainable.

  • Native navigation

    Learn how to give your users a native mobile feel by adding navigation and an attractive navbar.

  • CSS Flexbox design

    React-Native uses an implementation of CSS Flexbox. Learn how to use it to produce professionally-styled, native views.

  • Token authentication

    We will implement a complete token authentication flow so that users can login and logout.

  • Javascript ES2015

    Learn React Native using the most up-to-date Javascript syntax currently in use today - ES2015, also known as ES6.

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Get your hands dirty!

There is no better way to learn to code than by writing code, and in this book we do a lot of that.

See how a React Native app is built in practice, and follow along as we add feature by feature to create a full-blown iOS and Android application. Our TodoList app will interact with an external API and allow users to create profiles, authenticate, and then add and update todo items.

After you finish the book, you will have your own working React Native app. Then, develop your skills further by adding your own personal branding, putting the app on the App Store and Google Play Store, implementing additional features, or building your own app using the skills that you've gained.


About the Author

Yoni Weisbrod is a full-stack developer and writer on software design, and his writing is regularly featured in a number of publications, including Ruby Weekly.

He has produced applications for leading companies and startups, and is an active member of the Javascript and Ruby communities. In a former life, Yoni has published academic articles on international comparative law, and holds LL.B. and LL.M. degrees in Law.

Yoni can be contacted on Twitter at @yoniweisbrod.

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eBook includes PDF, ePub and Kindle versions